Camping Morbihan » Campsite near Vannes

Campsite near Vannes

Vannes traditional houses
camping vannes port de plaisance

Vannes est une ville commerçante et accueillante de Bretagne Sud. Abritée derrière ses remparts médiévaux, la cité recèle en son cœur un port de plaisance en plein centre-ville. Tout au long de l’année, Vannes fait régner une ambiance animée et chaleureuse.

Vannes, a city of art and history to visit

Vannes is a city of art and history, with its timber-framed houses bearing witness to a rich historical past. From the Porte Prison in the east to the Porte Saint-Vincent in the south, you can admire a succession of fortified towers, including the 14th- and 15th-century Tour du Connétable. Around every corner, visitors will discover real architectural treasures: formal gardens, old washhouses, covered market halls, private mansions, in a maze of medieval alleyways.
Highlights: Saint Pierre Cathedral, Château Gaillard, butterfly hothouse, oceanic and tropicalaquarium
Nearby: Arradon, starting point for a crossing toIle aux Moines.

Visit the Vannes sightseeing website

camping vannes activites fetes

A selection of must-do activities in and around Vannes

Outdoor and family activities
to do in Vannes

At the head of the Gulf of Morbihan, Vannes is the port of departure for many crossings to Île d’Arz or Île aux Moines, as well as for guided cruises. Its privileged position also makes the medieval city a dream destination for nature lovers. The nature reserve of the Séné marshes can be explored on horseback, on foot or by bike. The nautical club on Conleau beach has a multitude of activities in store for you on the water!

Arradon, a hiking paradise

Facing the large islands of the Gulf, the Arradon area is ideal for discovering on foot, on the discovery circuit. Lovers of fine hiking will enjoy the ” circuit des deux pointes“, an 11 km loop of coastal paths and undergrowth. From the pointe de Penboc’h to the pointe d’Arradon, you’ll enjoy magnificent views.

Campsite 30 minutes from Vannes

En vacances au camping dans le Morbihan, posez vos valises à moins de 30 km du centre de Vannes et de son port ! Optez pour une location de mobil-home près de Vannes, une situation idéale pour découvrir la richesse de cette ville et profiter des belles randonnées sur le pourtour du golfe, de croisières commentées et de nombreuses activités de plein air. Sans oublier les visites et le shopping dans le cœur historique de la cité médiévale !

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